Method List
#<=> Creature
#== Result
#== Exist
#=== Result
#=== Any
=== Any
#Err Result::Constructors
#Ok Result::Constructors
[] Inventory
[] Containers
#__verbs__ Verbs
_compare_object_shape Result
_compare_values Result
#_drag Verbs
#_extract Olib::Jar
#_inspect Verbs
_match_class Result
_match_result Result
#_parse_spell Scroll
#_read Scroll
_view Log
_write Log
#acquire Olib::Jar
#action Shop::Container
#add Container
#add Olib::Jar
add_boss_type Creature
aim Lich::Common::Char
#alive? Creature
all Disk
#ambush Creature
#analyze Verbs
apply Attack
#appraise Jewel
#appraise Transaction
#appraise Item
arm Lich::Common::Char
armors Dictionary
as Log::Preset
as_list Opts
ask_for_bounty Bounty
#at Verbs
#at Shop::Container
#autoid Area
balance Shop::Playershop
bandit_traps Dictionary
#both Use
bounty Dictionary
#bounty Creatures
build_command Attack
cache Shop
#cache Shop::Container
#can_cast? Creature
#capture Rill
#capture_xml Rill
#cast Creature
change Stance
#check_container Area
#check_contents Container
#close Rill
#closed? Container
cmd XML
compare Result
#container Item
#container Rummage
containers Shop::Playershop
containers Shop
#containers Shop::Container
containers Inventory
#contents Shop::Container
#contents Container
contents Dictionary
cooldown! Bounty
cooldown? Bounty
cost Go2
#count Olib::Jar
current Bounty
#danger Creature
#dead Creatures
#dead? Creature
#deconstruct_keys Exist
#deep Area
define Containers
deplete_wealth Lich::Common::Char
deposit Lich::Common::Char
deposit_all Lich::Common::Char
do Olib
done? Bounty
#drop Verbs
dump Log
#each NPCS
#each Container
#each Loot
#each Area
#each Rill
#each Creatures
#effects Exist
#empty Olib::Jar
#empty? Olib::Jar
empty_hands Lich::Common::Char
#err Transaction
#err? Symbol
#exists? Exist
exit Olib
fetch Exist
#fetch Exist
fetch Item
fetch! Bounty
#fill Olib::Jar
find_by_name Disk
find_by_tags Shop::Playershop
#find_by_tags Container
find_game_obj! Containers
find_guard Bounty
find_npc Bounty
#fire Creature
#full Olib::Jar
#full? Olib::Jar
fusion Dictionary
#gameobj Exist
#gem Olib::Jar
gems Dictionary
get Dictionary
get Creatures::Metadata
#go2 String
#go2 Integer
#gone? Exist
#heal Creature
#heirloom Jewelry
heirloom Dictionary
#heirloom? Jewelry
#held? Item
herbalist Bounty
hide Lich::Common::Char
#holy Rummage
#hurl Creature
#id Shop::Container
#id Disk
#id Exist
ignorable? Dictionary
#in Shop::Container
#in Verbs
in_town? Lich::Common::Char
#inc Olib::Jar
included Result
indent Errors
#ingredient Rummage
#initial_count Olib::Jar
#initialize NPCS
#initialize Item
#initialize Container
#initialize Use
#initialize Rill
#initialize Disk
#initialize Creature
#initialize Olib::Jar
#initialize Shop::Container
#initialize Rummage
#initialize Loot
#initialize Area
#initialize Creatures
#initialize Errors::Fatal
#initialize Outcome
#initialize Result
#initialize Transaction
#initialize Exist
#initialize Errors::TooHeavy
#initialize Errors::InsufficientFunds
#initialize Errors::ContainerFull
#initialize Errors::HandsFull
#initialize Errors::DoesntExist
#initialize Scroll
#injuries Creature
is_disk? Disk
#is_i? String
#item Use
items Inventory
items Shop::Playershop
items Shop
jar Dictionary
#kill Creature
#kill_shot Creature
#knowledge? Scroll
left Lich::Common::Char
#left Use
left_hand Containers
#legged? Creature
#level Creature
#limbed? Creature
lines XML
lock Command
#look Verbs
#look Shop::Container
#look Olib::Jar
match Bounty
match XML
message Rummage
#metadata Creature
#method_missing Creatures
#method_missing Exist
method_missing NPCS
method_missing Creatures
method_missing Bounty
#method_missing Loot
method_missing Loot
method_missing Opts
method_missing Area
#method_missing NPCS
#method_missing Disk
method_missing Containers
#methodize String
#mode Rill
#mstrike Creature
#name Mind
#name Disk
#nested Shop::Container
#nested? Shop::Container
normalize_type_data Exist
#normalized_name Jewel
npc Bounty
npc_404! Bounty
numbers Dictionary
#objects Area
of Result
of Item
#ok? Symbol
#on Verbs
#on Shop::Container
out Log
padding Errors
parse Bounty
parse Opts
parse_as_ds Attack
parse_command Opts
parse_cs_td Attack
parse_flag Opts
parse_result Attack
percent Mind
#perform Rummage
pp Log
#predicate NPCS
#predicate Loot
#predicate Creatures
#prepare Outcome
prepare Outcome
#price Verbs
#prone? Creature
#props Shop::Container
#pullable Olib::Jar
#pullable? Olib::Jar
put Creatures::Metadata
put Dictionary
#quality Transaction
#quality Jewel
#read Verbs
regex Bounty
registry Containers
remove Bounty
repo Creatures::Metadata
respond_to? NPCS
respond_to? Loot
respond_to? Area
respond_to? Creatures
#respond_to_missing? Exist
#respond_to_missing? NPCS
#respond_to_missing? Loot
#respond_to_missing? Creatures
#right Use
right Lich::Common::Char
right_hand Containers
#room Area
room Go2
#rummage Container
#run Use
run Go2
#runestone Rummage
scan Exist
#search Creature
#sell Transaction
#sell Verbs
#sell Item
#sell Jewel
#shake Olib::Jar
share Lich::Common::Char
shop Dictionary
#shop_appraise Transaction
#show Shop::Container
sign Shop::Playershop
singularize Bounty
size Dictionary
#skilled_appraise Transaction
#skin Creature
#skin? Creature
smart_wealth Lich::Common::Char
#spell Rummage
#spells Scroll
spiked Dictionary
#stacked Olib::Jar
stand Lich::Common::Char
#start Rill
#stash Olib::Jar
#stash Item
state Mind
states Mind
#status Creature
stem_name Creature
#stunned? Creature
swap Lich::Common::Char
tag Dictionary
#tag Go2
tags Creature
#tags Creature
#tags Exist
tags Go2
#take Transaction
#take Verbs
#take Item
#tap Verbs
tap XML
#target Creature
targetable Dictionary
#targetable? Creature
task Bounty
#template Outcome
#threshold Transaction
#timeout Rill
timeout Olib
#to_container Disk
#to_game Symbol
#to_h MatchData
#to_h Exist
#to_json Container
#to_json Result
#to_json Item
#to_proc Result
#to_s Exist
to_s Inventory
#to_s Shop::Container
#to_struct MatchData
#to_struct Hash
total_wound_severity Lich::Common::Char
#transaction Item
try_or_fail Command
turn_off_xml Olib
turn_on_xml Olib
#type Container
type Bounty
types Bounty
unarm Lich::Common::Char
unhide Lich::Common::Char
union Outcome
union Rill
#use Item
#val Result
#value Jewel
#value Transaction
visible? Lich::Common::Char
wealth Lich::Common::Char
#where Container
where Shop::Playershop
withdraw Lich::Common::Char
#worn? Item
wounded? Lich::Common::Char
#wounds Creature
wrap Olib
wrap_greedy Olib
wrap_stream Olib
xml? Olib
xml_off XML
xml_on XML