Class: Yast::WizardHWClass
- Inherits:
- Object
- Module
- Yast::WizardHWClass
- Defined in:
- library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#_SetSelectedItem(selected) ⇒ Object
Set which item is to be selected.
#CreateActionsButton(actions) ⇒ Yast::Term
Create the Push/Menu button for additional actions.
#CreateHWDialog(title, help, headers, actions) ⇒ Object
Create the Hardware Wizard dialog Draw the dialog below the widgets (next to other buttons).
#CreateRichTextDescription(title, properties) ⇒ String
Create rich text description of a device.
#CreateWidget(headers, actions) ⇒ Object
Create CWM widtet for the hardware settings NOTE: The Init and Handle callbacks must be defined.
#GetActionLabel(action) ⇒ String
Get the description label for the action.
#Handle(_key, event) ⇒ Symbol
Handle function of the widget Used when using the callback interface.
#Init(_key) ⇒ Object
Init function of the widget Used when using the callback interface.
- #main ⇒ Object
#RunHWDialog(settings) ⇒ Symbol
Draw the dialog, handle all its events via callbacks.
#SelectedItem ⇒ Object
Return the id of the currently selected item in the table.
#SetContents(items) ⇒ Object
Set the information about hardware.
#SetRichDescription(descr) ⇒ Object
Set the rich text description.
#SetSelectedItem(selected) ⇒ Object
Set which item is to be selected.
#SimpleStoreReturnValue(selected, event) ⇒ Object
Store the event description in internal variable To be used by WizardHW::WaitForEvent function.
#StoreCurrentItems(items) ⇒ Object
internal functions.
#UnconfiguredDevice ⇒ Object
Get propertly list of an unconfigured device.
#UserInput ⇒ Object
Wait for event from the event.
#WaitForEvent ⇒ Object
Wait for event from the event.
Instance Method Details
#_SetSelectedItem(selected) ⇒ Object
Set which item is to be selected
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 96 def _SetSelectedItem(selected) if !selected.nil? UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:_hw_items), :CurrentItem, selected) UI.ChangeWidget( Id(:_hw_sum), :Value, Ops.get(@descriptions, selected, "") ) end nil end |
#CreateActionsButton(actions) ⇒ Yast::Term
Create the Push/Menu button for additional actions
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 179 def CreateActionsButton(actions) actions = deep_copy(actions) sz = Builtins.size(actions) return Empty() if sz == 0 if sz == 1 id = Ops.get(actions, [0, 0]) if id.nil? Builtins.y2error("Unknown ID for button: %1", Ops.get(actions, 0)) id = "nil" end return PushButton(Id(id), GetActionLabel(Ops.get(actions, 0, []))) end items = Builtins.maplist(actions) do |i| id = Ops.get(i, 0) if id.nil? Builtins.y2error("Unknown ID for button: %1", Ops.get(actions, 0)) id = "nil" end Item(Id(id), GetActionLabel(i)) end # menu button MenuButton(_("&Other"), items) end |
#CreateHWDialog(title, help, headers, actions) ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Create the Hardware Wizard dialog Draw the dialog below the widgets (next to other buttons)
363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 363 def CreateHWDialog(title, help, headers, actions) headers = deep_copy(headers) actions = deep_copy(actions) # reinitialize internal variables @current_items = [] @descriptions = {} @last_event = {} @get_item_descr_callback = nil @action_callback = fun_ref( method(:SimpleStoreReturnValue), "symbol (string, map)" ) # now create the dialog = CreateWidget(headers, actions) Ops.set(, "help", help) # to suppress error in log w = CWM.CreateWidgets(["wizard_hw"], "wizard_hw" => ) contents = Ops.get_term(w, [0, "widget"], VBox()) Wizard.SetContents(title, contents, help, false, true) nil end |
#CreateRichTextDescription(title, properties) ⇒ String
This is a stable API function
Create rich text description of a device. It can be used for WizardHW::SetContents function for formatting richtext device descriptions
468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 468 def CreateRichTextDescription(title, properties) properties = deep_copy(properties) items = "" if !properties.nil? && Ops.greater_than(Builtins.size(properties), 0) Builtins.foreach(properties) do |prop| items = Ops.add(Ops.add(Ops.add(items, "<LI>"), prop), "</LI>") end end ret = "" ret = Ops.add(Ops.add("<P><B>", title), "</B></P>") if !title.nil? && title != "" ret = Ops.add(Ops.add(Ops.add(ret, "<P><UL>"), items), "</UL></P>") if items != "" ret end |
#CreateWidget(headers, actions) ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Create CWM widtet for the hardware settings NOTE: The Init and Handle callbacks must be defined
213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 213 def CreateWidget(headers, actions) headers = deep_copy(headers) actions = deep_copy(actions) hdr = Header() Builtins.foreach(headers) { |hi| hdr = Builtins.add(hdr, hi) } item_list = Table(Id(:_hw_items), Opt(:notify, :immediate), hdr) = HBox( PushButton(Id(:add), Label.AddButton), PushButton(Id(:edit), Label.EditButton), PushButton(Id(:delete), Label.DeleteButton), HStretch(), CreateActionsButton(actions) ) item_summary = RichText(Id(:_hw_sum), "") contents = VBox(VWeight(3, item_list), VWeight(1, item_summary), ) handle_events = [:_hw_items, :add, :edit, :delete] extra_events = Builtins.maplist(actions) { |i| Ops.get(i, 1) } extra_events = Builtins.filter(extra_events) { |i| !i.nil? } handle_events = Builtins.merge(handle_events, extra_events) ret = { "widget" => :custom, "custom_widget" => contents, "handle_events" => handle_events } deep_copy(ret) end |
#GetActionLabel(action) ⇒ String
Get the description label for the action
169 170 171 172 173 174 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 169 def GetActionLabel(action) action = deep_copy(action) fallback = "" fallback = Ops.get_string(action, 0, "") if Ops.is_string?(Ops.get(action, 0)) Ops.get_string(action, 1, fallback) end |
#Handle(_key, event) ⇒ Symbol
Handle function of the widget Used when using the callback interface
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 133 def Handle(_key, event) event = deep_copy(event) @last_event = deep_copy(event) current = Convert.to_string(UI.QueryWidget(Id(:_hw_items), :CurrentItem)) if Ops.get(event, "ID") == :_hw_items descr = if @get_item_descr_callback.nil? Ops.get(@descriptions, current, "") else end UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:_hw_sum), :Value, descr) return nil end return, event) unless @action_callback.nil? ret = Ops.get(event, "ID") Ops.is_symbol?(ret) ? Convert.to_symbol(ret) : nil end |
#Init(_key) ⇒ Object
Init function of the widget Used when using the callback interface
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 112 def Init(_key) if @set_items_callback.nil? Builtins.y2warning("No initialization callback") else end if @select_initial_item_callback.nil? _SetSelectedItem(Ops.get_string(@current_items, [0, "id"])) else end nil end |
#main ⇒ Object
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 33 def main Yast.import "UI" textdomain "base" Yast.import "CWM" Yast.import "Label" Yast.import "Report" Yast.import "Popup" Yast.import "Wizard" # local store # List of items in the currently displayed dialog @current_items = [] # Map of rich text descriptions for all items # Contained info can be reachable through current_items, this is for # faster access @descriptions = {} # The last handled UI event @last_event = {} # The return value to be returned by WizardHW::WaitForEvent () @dialog_ret = nil # callbacks # Callback # Perform an action (when an event which is not handled internally occurred) @action_callback = nil # Callback # Get rich text description of an item. # This can be used to set it dynamically @get_item_descr_callback = nil # Callback # Set all the items # Should call the SetContents function of this module @set_items_callback = nil # Callback # Select the initial item # If not set, the first is selected @select_initial_item_callback = nil end |
#RunHWDialog(settings) ⇒ Symbol
This is a stable API function
Draw the dialog, handle all its events via callbacks
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 283 def RunHWDialog(settings) settings = deep_copy(settings) # reinitialize internal variables @current_items = [] @descriptions = {} @last_event = {} # callbacks @action_callback = Convert.convert( Ops.get(settings, "action_callback"), from: "any", to: "symbol (string, map)" ) @get_item_descr_callback = Convert.convert( Ops.get(settings, "item_descr_callback"), from: "any", to: "string (string)" ) @set_items_callback = Convert.convert( Ops.get(settings, "set_items_callback"), from: "any", to: "void ()" ) @select_initial_item_callback = Convert.convert( Ops.get(settings, "set_initial_item_callback"), from: "any", to: "void ()" ) # other variables actions = Ops.get_list(settings, "actions", []) headers = Ops.get_list(settings, "headers", []) title = Ops.get_string(settings, "title", "") help = Ops.get_string(settings, "help", "HELP") # adapt the widget description map = CreateWidget(headers, actions) = Builtins.remove(, "handle_events") Ops.set(, "help", help) Ops.set(, "init", fun_ref(method(:Init), "void (string)")) Ops.set( , "handle", fun_ref(method(:Handle), "symbol (string, map)") ) = { "wizard_hw" => } # now run the dialog via CWM with handler set CWM.ShowAndRun( "widget_descr" => , "widget_names" => ["wizard_hw"], "contents" => VBox("wizard_hw"), "caption" => title, "abort_button" => Ops.get_string(settings, "abort_button") do Label.AbortButton end, "back_button" => Ops.get_string(settings, "back_button") do Label.BackButton end, "next_button" => Ops.get_string(settings, "next_button") do Label.NextButton end ) end |
#SelectedItem ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Return the id of the currently selected item in the table
398 399 400 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 398 def SelectedItem Convert.to_string(UI.QueryWidget(Id(:_hw_items), :CurrentItem)) end |
#SetContents(items) ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Set the information about hardware
417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 417 def SetContents(items) items = deep_copy(items) term_items = Builtins.maplist(items) do |i| t = Item(Id(Ops.get_string(i, "id", ""))) Builtins.foreach(Ops.get_list(i, "table_descr", [])) do |l| t = Builtins.add(t, l) end deep_copy(t) end UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:_hw_items), :Items, term_items) StoreCurrentItems(items) enabled = Ops.greater_than(Builtins.size(items), 0) UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:edit), :Enabled, enabled) UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:delete), :Enabled, enabled) SetSelectedItem(Ops.get_string(items, [0, "id"], "")) if enabled nil end |
#SetRichDescription(descr) ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Set the rich text description.
405 406 407 408 409 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 405 def SetRichDescription(descr) UI.ChangeWidget(Id(:_hw_sum), :Value, descr) nil end |
#SetSelectedItem(selected) ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Set which item is to be selected
389 390 391 392 393 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 389 def SetSelectedItem(selected) _SetSelectedItem(selected) nil end |
#SimpleStoreReturnValue(selected, event) ⇒ Object
Store the event description in internal variable To be used by WizardHW::WaitForEvent function
88 89 90 91 92 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 88 def SimpleStoreReturnValue(selected, event) event = deep_copy(event) @dialog_ret = { "event" => event, "selected" => selected } :next # anything but nil end |
#StoreCurrentItems(items) ⇒ Object
internal functions
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 156 def StoreCurrentItems(items) items = deep_copy(items) @current_items = deep_copy(items) @descriptions = Builtins.listmap(items) do |i| { Ops.get_string(i, "id", "") => Ops.get_string(i, "rich_descr", "") } end nil end |
#UnconfiguredDevice ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Get propertly list of an unconfigured device. Should be used together with device name in CreateRichTextDescription() function.
491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 491 def UnconfiguredDevice # translators: message for hardware configuration without any configured # device [ _("The device is not configured"), # translators: message for hardware configuration without any configured # device _("Press <B>Edit</B> to configure") ] end |
#UserInput ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Wait for event from the event
455 456 457 458 459 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 455 def UserInput ret = WaitForEvent() Ops.set(ret, "event", Ops.get(ret, ["event", "ID"])) deep_copy(ret) end |
#WaitForEvent ⇒ Object
This is a stable API function
Wait for event from the event
441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 |
# File 'library/cwm/src/modules/WizardHW.rb', line 441 def WaitForEvent event = nil while event.nil? event = UI.WaitForEvent event = nil if Handle("wizard_hw", event).nil? end deep_copy(@dialog_ret) end |