Module: DuckMap::Handlers::Show
- Extended by:
- ActiveSupport::Concern
- Defined in:
- lib/duck_map/handlers/show.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#sitemap_show(options = {}) ⇒ Array
Default handler method for show actions.
Instance Method Details
#sitemap_show(options = {}) ⇒ Array
Default handler method for show actions.
The source of a request for data can be from two sources.
sitemap requesting url nodes for a given route.
meta tag requesting data for HEAD section meta tags.
This method will return an Array of Hashes that represent url nodes of a sitemap. Also, sitemap_meta_data is populated with a single Hash for meta tags. So, this is considered a shared method.
The basic procedure is as follows:
default values are obtained from Config and stored in a return Hash.
the controller “show” action method is never called as it is not needed.
if the request is a meta tag, then, the show method has already been called.
if the request is a sitemap, then, we would looking for a list of rows instead of just one row, because, a show route would always be pointing to a single item and the sitemap would want to show all of those items or at least a defined list of them.
static last-modified date is obtained from config/locales/sitemap.yml
sitemap_capture_attributes is called directly on the controller. Any values are merged with the return Hash.
now, the processing splits based on the type of request.
if meta tag
first model object automagically found on the controller unless “first_model” has been set to false, find the first instance of a model object on the controller and use it as the data source for values.
unless a canonical url has been obtained during any of the preceding steps, build the canonical url based on the route and data source object found during preceding steps. the segment keys are NOT processed as the values should be automagically part of the url building since this is being called as part of an HTTP request. The segment key should simply already be there.
add the return Hash to the return Array and set the meta tag instance variable.
otherwise, assume sitemap
process some type of model in the following order of precedence depending on configuration.
process block if the controller was configured with a block, then, execute the block and use the return value as the data source for values.
process model configured via the handler if a model class was assigned to the handler, then, execute “all” method on the model and use the return value as the data source for values.
model object automagically found by the sitemap_build method. the “all” method is called on the model object.
first model object is never processed for the show method when the request is via a sitemap. the reason is the show method is never called, therefore, an instance of a model would not exist on the controller.
the goal is ALWAYS to work with a list of model objects. once a list has been established, process all of the model objects in the list.
for each object
build a row Hash based copied from all of the values captured thus far.
call sitemap_capture_attributes on the model to obtain values and merge them with the row Hash.
unless a canonical url has been obtained during any of the preceding steps, build the canonical url based on the route and data source object found during preceding steps. segment keys are build via a call to sitemap_capture_segments on the model.
add the row Hash to the return Array
do nothing to the meta tag instance variable.
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# File 'lib/duck_map/handlers/show.rb', line 65 def sitemap_show( = {}) rows = [] # always start off with default values from config, then, simply overwrite them as we progress. values = sitemap_defaults() # show action never needs to call the existing show action. lastmod = self.sitemap_static_lastmod([:controller_name], [:action_name]) unless lastmod.blank? values[:lastmod] = lastmod end # first, capture the values from the controller. attributes = self.sitemap_stripped_attributes([:action_name]) values = values.merge(self.sitemap_capture_attributes(attributes)) if [:source] == :meta_data # capture values from the first available model unless disabled. model_object = sitemap_first_model([:handler]) unless model_object.blank? model_attributes = attributes if model_object.is_sitemap_attributes_defined? model_attributes = model_object.sitemap_stripped_attributes([:action_name]) end values = values.merge(model_object.sitemap_capture_attributes(model_attributes)) end if values[:canonical].blank? route = Rails.application.routes.find_route_via_path(request.path) = (values) values[:canonical] = self.send("#{}_url", ) values[:loc] = values[:canonical] else values[:loc] = values[:canonical] end rows.push(values) self. = values else data_rows = [] if ![:handler][:block].blank? data_rows = [:handler][:block].call() elsif ![:handler][:model].blank? data_rows = [:handler][:model].send(:all).to_a elsif ![:model].blank? # this model is not set by developer # it is set in code in sitemap_build using get_model_class data_rows = [:model].send(:all).to_a end # data_rows may have changed from an Array to a model object. # Make data_rows an Array if it has been switched to an model object. if ::DuckMap::Model::Supported.is_supported?(data_rows) data_rows = [data_rows] end # only process the first row since we are processing the index action of the controller if data_rows.kind_of?(Array) && data_rows.length > 0 data_rows.each do |data_row| # this is how we are overriding attributes defined on the controller with attributes # defined on the model. The model attributes win! # same thing for segments below. model_attributes = attributes segment_mappings = self.sitemap_attributes([:action_name])[:segments] if data_row.is_sitemap_attributes_defined? model_attributes = data_row.sitemap_stripped_attributes([:action_name]) segment_mappings = data_row.sitemap_attributes([:action_name])[:segments] end row_values = values.merge(data_row.sitemap_capture_attributes(model_attributes)) = (row_values) if row_values[:canonical].blank? segments = data_row.sitemap_capture_segments(segment_mappings, [:route].segments) row_values[:canonical] = self.send("#{[:route].name}_url", .merge(segments)) row_values[:loc] = row_values[:canonical] else row_values[:loc] = row_values[:canonical] end rows.push(row_values) end end end return sitemap_url_limit(rows, [:handler]) end |