Class: GoodData::LCM2::SynchronizeUserFilters
- Inherits:
- Object
- BaseAction
- GoodData::LCM2::SynchronizeUserFilters
- Defined in:
- lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_user_filters.rb
Constant Summary collapse
'Synchronizes User Permissions Between Projects'
define_params(self) do description 'Client Used For Connecting To GD' param :gdc_gd_client, instance_of(Type::GdClientType), required: true description 'Input Source' param :input_source, instance_of(Type::HashType), required: true description 'Synchronization Mode (e.g. sync_one_project_based_on_pid)' param :sync_mode, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false, default: 'sync_project' description 'Column That Contains Target Project IDs' param :multiple_projects_column, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'Filters Config' param :filters_config, instance_of(Type::HashType), required: true description 'Input Source Contains CSV Headers?' param :csv_headers, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'Restrict If Missing Values In Input Source' param :restrict_if_missing_all_values, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'Ignore Missing Values In Input Source' param :ignore_missing_values, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'Do Not Touch Filters That Are Not Mentioned' param :do_not_touch_filters_that_are_not_mentioned, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'Restricts synchronization to specified segments' param :segments_filter, array_of(instance_of(Type::StringType)), required: false description 'Organization Name' param :organization, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'Domain' param :domain, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'DataProduct to manage' param :data_product, instance_of(Type::GDDataProductType), required: true description 'Segments to manage' param :segments, array_of(instance_of(Type::SegmentType)), required: false description 'Logger' param :gdc_logger, instance_of(Type::GdLogger), required: true description 'GDC Project' param :gdc_project, instance_of(Type::GdProjectType), required: false description 'GDC Project Id' param :gdc_project_id, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false description 'User brick users' param :users_brick_users, instance_of(Type::ObjectType), required: false, default: [] description 'Makes the brick run without altering user filters' param :dry_run, instance_of(Type::StringType), required: false, default: false end
%w( sync_project sync_multiple_projects_based_on_pid sync_one_project_based_on_pid sync_one_project_based_on_custom_id sync_multiple_projects_based_on_custom_id sync_domain_client_workspaces )
Constants inherited from BaseAction
Constants included from Dsl::Dsl
Class Method Summary collapse
- .call(params) ⇒ Object
- .load_data(params, symbolized_config) ⇒ Object
- .sync_user_filters(project, filters, params, filters_config) ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from BaseAction
add_failed_client, add_failed_project, add_failed_segment, add_new_clients_to_project_client_mapping, check_params, collect_synced_status, continue_on_error, print_result, process_failed_project, process_failed_projects, sync_failed_client, sync_failed_project, sync_failed_segment, without_check
Methods included from Dsl::Dsl
#define_params, #define_type, #process
Class Method Details
.call(params) ⇒ Object
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 |
# File 'lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_user_filters.rb', line 89 def call(params) client = params.gdc_gd_client domain_name = params.organization || params.domain fail "Either organisation or domain has to be specified in params" unless domain_name domain = client.domain(domain_name) if domain_name project = client.projects(params.gdc_project) || client.projects(params.gdc_project_id) fail "Either project or project_id has to be specified in params" unless project data_product = params.data_product config = params.filters_config fail 'User filters brick requires configuration how the filter should be setup. For this use the param "filters_config"' if config.blank? symbolized_config = GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(config) symbolized_config = GoodData::Helpers.symbolize_keys(symbolized_config) symbolized_config[:labels] = symbolized_config[:labels].map { |l| GoodData::Helpers.symbolize_keys(l) } multiple_projects_column = params.multiple_projects_column mode = params.sync_mode unless MODES.include?(mode) fail "The parameter \"sync_mode\" has to have one of the values #{', ')} or has to be empty." end user_filters = load_data(params, symbolized_config) run_params = { restrict_if_missing_all_values: params.restrict_if_missing_all_values == 'true', ignore_missing_values: params.ignore_missing_values == 'true', do_not_touch_filters_that_are_not_mentioned: params.do_not_touch_filters_that_are_not_mentioned == 'true', domain: domain, dry_run: params[:dry_run].to_b, users_brick_input: params.users_brick_users } all_clients = domain.clients(:all, data_product).to_a"Synchronizing in mode=#{mode}, number_of_clients=#{all_clients.size}, data_rows=#{user_filters.size} ,")"Synchronizing in mode \"#{mode}\"") results = [] case mode when 'sync_project', 'sync_one_project_based_on_pid', 'sync_one_project_based_on_custom_id' if mode == 'sync_one_project_based_on_pid' filter = elsif mode == 'sync_one_project_based_on_custom_id' filter = UserBricksHelper.resolve_client_id(domain, project, params.data_product) end user_filters = { |f| f[:pid] == filter } if filter"Synchronizing in mode=#{mode}, project_id=#{}, data_rows=#{user_filters.size} ,") current_results = sync_user_filters(project, user_filters, run_params, symbolized_config) results.concat(current_results[:results]) unless current_results.nil? || current_results[:results].empty? when 'sync_multiple_projects_based_on_pid', 'sync_multiple_projects_based_on_custom_id' users_by_project = run_params[:users_brick_input].group_by { |u| u[:pid] } user_filters.group_by { |u| u[:pid] }.flat_map.pmap do |id, new_filters| users = users_by_project[id] fail "The #{multiple_projects_column} cannot be empty" if id.blank? if mode == 'sync_multiple_projects_based_on_custom_id' c = all_clients.detect { |specific_client| == id } current_project = c.project elsif mode == 'sync_multiple_projects_based_on_pid' current_project = client.projects(id) end"Synchronizing in mode=#{mode}, project_id=#{id}, data_rows=#{new_filters.size} ,") current_results = sync_user_filters(current_project, new_filters, run_params.merge(users_brick_input: users), symbolized_config) results.concat(current_results[:results]) unless current_results.nil? || current_results[:results].empty? end when 'sync_domain_client_workspaces' domain_clients = all_clients if params.segments segment_uris = domain_clients = { |c| segment_uris.include?(c.segment_uri) } end working_client_ids = [] semaphore = users_by_project = run_params[:users_brick_input].group_by { |u| u[:pid] } user_filters.group_by { |u| u[multiple_projects_column] }.flat_map.pmap do |client_id, new_filters| users = users_by_project[client_id] fail "Client id cannot be empty" if client_id.blank? c = all_clients.detect { |specific_client| == client_id } if c.nil? params.gdc_logger.warn "Client #{client_id} is not found" next end if params.segments && !segment_uris.include?(c.segment_uri) params.gdc_logger.warn "Client #{client_id} is outside segments_filter #{params.segments}" next end current_project = c.project fail "Client #{client_id} does not have project." unless current_project semaphore.synchronize do working_client_ids << client_id.to_s end"Synchronizing in mode=#{mode}, client_id=#{client_id}, data_rows=#{new_filters.size} ,") partial_results = sync_user_filters(current_project, new_filters, run_params.merge(users_brick_input: users), symbolized_config) results.concat(partial_results[:results]) unless partial_results.nil? || partial_results[:results].empty? end"Synchronizing in mode=#{mode}, working_client_ids=#{working_client_ids.join(', ')} ,") if working_client_ids.size < 50 unless run_params[:do_not_touch_filters_that_are_not_mentioned] to_be_deleted_clients = UserBricksHelper.non_working_clients(domain_clients, working_client_ids) to_be_deleted_clients.peach do |c| begin current_project = c.project users = users_by_project[c.client_id] "Delete all filters in project #{} of client #{c.client_id}""Delete all filters in project_id=#{}, client_id=#{c.client_id} ,") current_results = sync_user_filters(current_project, [], run_params.merge(users_brick_input: users), symbolized_config) results.concat(current_results[:results]) unless current_results.nil? || current_results[:results].empty? rescue StandardError => e params.gdc_logger.error "Failed to clear filters of #{c.client_id} due to: #{e.inspect}" end end end end { results: results } end |
.load_data(params, symbolized_config) ⇒ Object
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 |
# File 'lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_user_filters.rb', line 226 def load_data(params, symbolized_config) filters = [] = params.csv_headers == 'false' || true csv_with_headers = if GoodData::UserFilterBuilder.row_based?(symbolized_config) false else end multiple_projects_column = params.multiple_projects_column data_source = tmp = without_check(PARAMS, params) do, 'r:UTF-8') end begin'Start reading data') row_count = 0 CSV.foreach(tmp, :headers => csv_with_headers, :return_headers => false, :header_converters => :downcase, :encoding => 'utf-8') do |row| filters << row.to_hash.merge(pid: row[multiple_projects_column.downcase]) row_count += 1"Read #{row_count} rows") if (row_count % 50_000).zero? end"Done reading data, total #{row_count} rows") rescue Exception => e # rubocop:disable RescueException fail "There was an error during loading data. Message: #{e.}. Error: #{e}" end if filters.empty? && %w(sync_multiple_projects_based_on_pid sync_multiple_projects_based_on_custom_id).include?(params.sync_mode) fail 'The filter set can not be empty when using sync_multiple_projects_* mode as the filters contain \ the project ids in which the permissions should be changed' end filters end |
.sync_user_filters(project, filters, params, filters_config) ⇒ Object
221 222 223 224 |
# File 'lib/gooddata/lcm/actions/synchronize_user_filters.rb', line 221 def sync_user_filters(project, filters, params, filters_config) # Do not change this line -> can cause paralelisation errors in jRuby viz TMA-963 project.(GoodData::UserFilterBuilder.get_filters(filters, filters_config), params) end |