Class: GoodData::AnalyticalVisualizationObject
- Inherits:
- Object
- Rest::Object
- Rest::Resource
- MdObject
- GoodData::AnalyticalVisualizationObject
- Defined in:
- lib/gooddata/models/metadata/analytical_visualization_object.rb
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary
Constants inherited from MdObject
Constants included from Mixin::MdIdToUri
Constants included from Mixin::MdObjectIndexer
Constants included from Mixin::MdObjectQuery
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Rest::Object
Class Method Summary collapse
.create(object_data, klass, empty_data_object = {}, assignable_properties = [], options = { :client => GoodData.client, :project => GoodData.project }) ⇒ Object
Create a specify object in the specify project.
Methods inherited from MdObject
#==, #add_tag, #browser_uri, #delete, #deprecated, #deprecated=, find_replaceable_values, #get_flag?, #initialize, #listed?, #production, #production=, #project, #reload!, #remove_tag, replace, #replace, #replace!, replace_bracketed, replace_quoted, #restricted, #restricted=, #save, #save_as, #set_flag, #tag_set, #unlisted, #unlisted=, #validate
Methods included from Mixin::MdIdToUri
Methods included from Mixin::MdObjectIndexer
Methods included from Mixin::MdObjectQuery
#all, #dependency, #dependency?, #query, #usedby, #usedby?, #using, #using?
Methods included from Mixin::MdFinders
#find_by_identifier, #find_by_tag, #find_by_title, #find_first_by_identifier, #find_first_by_title
Methods included from Mixin::MdObjId
Methods included from Mixin::MdGrantees
#change_permission, #grant, #grantees, #revoke
Methods included from Mixin::MdRelations
#dependency, #dependency?, #usedby, #usedby?, #using, #using?
Methods included from Mixin::ObjId
Methods included from Mixin::Links
Methods inherited from Rest::Resource
Methods inherited from Rest::Object
client, default_client, #initialize, #saved?
Methods included from Mixin::DataPropertyReader
Methods included from Mixin::DataPropertyWriter
Methods included from Mixin::MetaPropertyReader
Methods included from Mixin::MetaPropertyWriter
Methods included from Mixin::MetaGetter
Methods included from Mixin::DataGetter
Methods included from Mixin::RootKeyGetter
Methods included from Mixin::ContentGetter
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from GoodData::MdObject
Class Method Details
.create(object_data, klass, empty_data_object = {}, assignable_properties = [], options = { :client => GoodData.client, :project => GoodData.project }) ⇒ Object
Create a specify object in the specify project
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# File 'lib/gooddata/models/metadata/analytical_visualization_object.rb', line 19 def create(object_data, klass, empty_data_object = {}, assignable_properties = [], = { :client => GoodData.client, :project => GoodData.project }) client, project = GoodData.get_client_and_project(GoodData::Helpers.symbolize_keys()) res = client.create(klass, GoodData::Helpers.deep_dup(GoodData::Helpers.stringify_keys(empty_data_object)), :project => project) object_data.each do |k, v| res.send("#{k}=", v) if assignable_properties.include? k end res end |