Duck Map
Author: Jeff Duckett
Copyright: 2013
License: MIT License
Duck Map is a Rails 4.x compliant gem providing support for dynamically generating sitemaps and meta tags in HTML page headers.
I am officially dropping support for this repo as I am moving away from Rails. Anybody want it?
Full Guide
For an in depth discussion see: Full guide (
Feature List
- Sitemaps are baked into the standard Rails Routing Code base and are defined directly in config/routes.rb.
- Default sitemap at the root of the application named: /sitemap.xml
- No code needed. Default sitemap.xml content is based on standard Rails controller actions: edit, index, new and show.
- Designed to grab volitale elements such as last modified date directly from a model.
- Automagically finds the first model on a controller and uses model attributes in sitemap and page headers.
- Support for namespaces.
- Support for nested resources.
- Define as many sitemaps as you need.
- Ability to sychronize static last modified dates directly from the rails view files or a .git repository.
- Meta tags for HTML page headers such as title, last modified, canonical url, etc. that match data contained in sitemap.
- Generate static sitemap files with compression.
- Define global attributes and values and fine tune them down to the controller/model levels.
- Support for mongoid
Quick Start
Follow these steps to create a Rails app with a sitemap.
# open a shell and navigate to a work directory.
# create a Rails app
rails new --skip-bundle
# add the following to your Rails app
gem 'duck_map'
# depending on your Rails version, you may have to add the following lines as well.
gem 'execjs'
gem 'therubyracer'
# make sure you have all the gems, etc.
bundle install
# create a controller
rails g controller home
# create a route in config/routes.rb
root :to => 'home#index'
# start the server
rails s
# view the sitemap
# if you view the HTML source of: http://localhost:3000/sitemap.xml
# you should see something similar to the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
Demo applications
You can find articles and demo apps at:
Why use the name Duck Map?
Having "Duck" built into the name? This stems from a habit I picked up years ago back in the days when I was doing DBase and Clipper programming for DOS. I picked up the idea from one of my favorite authors at the time (Rick Spence - or at least I think it was Rick). Anyway, the idea is to basically sign your code by incorporating your initials into library names or method calls. That way, you know the origin of a piece of code at a glance. The downside is that you definitely own it and can't blame it on that guy that keeps beating you to the good doughnuts. I hate that guy!! The second reason is that there was a pretty good chance I wouldn't run into naming conflicts.
Copyright (c) 2013 Jeff Duckett. See license for details.