This gem is no longer maintained.


filesize.rb provides a class for easily working with file sizes. That means:

  • Parsing strings (e.g. "1 GiB") and saving it internally as bytes
  • Handling both SI and binary prefixes
  • Converting from any type and unit to any other (SI to SI, SI to Binary and so on)
  • doing calculations with filesizes (in a smart way, see Usage for more)
  • filesize.rb also provides some default sizes, like the ones of DVDs


Parsing a string

Filesize.from("1 GiB")
# => #<Filesize:0x93c06c8 @bytes=1073741824, @type={:regexp=>/^([\d,.]+)?\s?(?:([kmgtpezy])i)?b$/i, :multiplier=>1024, :presuffix=>"i"}>

Converting filesizes

Filesize.from("1 GiB").to_f('KiB') # => 1048576.0
Filesize.from("1 GiB").to_f('KB')  # => 1073741.824
Filesize.from("1 GB").to_i         # => 1000000000

Outputting filesizes

Filesize.from("12502343 B").to_s('GiB') # => "0.01 GiB"
Filesize.from("12502343 B").pretty      # => "11.92 MiB"

Comparing filesizes

Filesize.from("1 KB") <=> Filesize.from("1 MB") # => -1

Calculating with filesizes

The file size on the left side sets the type

(Filesize.from("1400 MB")  + Filesize.from("1400 MiB")).pretty # => "2.87 GB"
(Filesize.from("1400 MiB") + Filesize.from("1400 MB")).pretty  # => "2.67 GiB"

Filesizes can also be coerced

(Filesize.from("1400 MiB") + 1024).pretty # => "1.37 GiB"
(1024 + Filesize.from("1400 MB")).pretty  # => "1.40 GB"

filesize.rb is smart about the return value

Filesize.from("1400 MiB") / Filesize.from("700 MiB") # => 2.0

One can also use predefined sizes

Filesize::DVD / Filesize::CD # => 6.13566756571429